Information in easy language
You are on the internet site of the Schauinslandbahn.on the internet site there is a lot of information about the Schauinslandbahn.
Most of the information is not in easy language, so we have written a lot of information in easy language.
Easy language helps people
who cannot read well.
who can only speak German poorly.
Information in easy language:
You can visit the Schauinsland.
There are many activities there.
During a guided tour, an employee will show you the Schauinslandbahn.
Or the employee will explain a very specific topic to you.
Sometimes special events are also held.
For example:
- a night drive,
- an open day.
Here you can find info about activities:
Info about activities and events (please click here))
Please note:
The link leads to another internet page.
The other website is not written in plain language.
Food and drink
There is a café and restaurant "Die Bergstation" on the Schauinsland.
Here you can find info about "Die Bergstation":
Info about "The mountain station" (please click here)
Please note:
The link leads to another internet page.
The other website is not written in plain language.
There are also cafes and restaurants nearby.
Here you can find information about other cafes and restaurants:
Info about cafes and restaurants (please click here)
Please note:
The link leads to another internet page.
The other website is not written in plain language.
Opening hours
The train runs almost every day.
Sometimes, however, the train does not run, then there is a red notice at the top of the Internet page.
Here you can find information about when the Schauinslandbahn is running:
Info about the opening hours (please click here)
Please note:
The link leads to another internet page.
The other website is not written in plain language.
Here you can find info on how much the entrance fee is:
Info about the prices (please click here)
Please note:
The link leads to another internet page.
The other website is not written in plain language.
All people are welcome here.
Also people with disabilities.
Here you can find info about barrier-free:
Info about the prices (please click here)
Please note:
The link leads to another internet page.
The other website is not written in plain language.
Contact / Address
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Bohrerstraße 11
79289 Horben
Phone: 0 761 4511-777
Fax: 0 761 4511-730
E-Mail: (please click here to write an email)